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P.O Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
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E-mail: abl-alb@omninet.net.au

Bad Luck

Friend, I believe Brian Hise had more bad luck over the course of a single month than for most people would occur over a lifetime. And when I've finished sharing some of the things that happened to him, I think you'll more than likely agree with me.

Brian's difficulties began when his apartment became flooded from a broken pipe in the apartment above his. When he reported this disaster, the apartment manager told him to go out and rent a water vacuum. That's when he discovered his car had a flat tyre. So he changed the tyre and went inside again to phone a friend for help. But the electric shock he got from the phone so startled him that he inadvertently ripped the instrument off the wall! However, before he could leave the apartment a second time, a neighbour had to kick his door down, because by now water damage had jammed it tight.

While all this was going on - someone stole Brian's car! But it was almost out of petrol so he found it just a few blocks away. He then had to push it to a petrol station where he filled up the tank.

That evening Brian Hise attended a military ceremony at the university he was attending. Unfortunately he injured himself severely when he somehow sat on his bayonet…which had been tossed in the front seat of his car! Doctors were able to stitch up Brian's wound but no one was able to resuscitate four of his canaries who were crushed to death from the wet, falling plaster in his apartment. After arriving home and slipping on the wet carpet where he badly injured his tailbone, Brian said he began to wonder if "God wanted me dead, but just kept missing!"

Friend, as the book of Job reminds us, the difficulties of life may be beyond our understanding, but they do not mean that God is abandoning us. In Jesus, God taught us that He cares about our troubles and loves us enough to enter into them so we can be assured that we will ultimately share in the victory with Him. The truth is, if we will allow Him, God goes with us through the troubles to bring us to a better place, both in our character and also in our location.

The Bible says, "Is your life full of difficulties…? BE HAPPY, for when the way is rough, your patience has a chance to grow. So let it grow and don't try to squirm out of your problems. For when your patience is finally in full bloom, then you'll be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete" (James 1:2-4).

Perhaps, as you read what James wrote in those verses, you're asking "what is the message for me?" Well, there's a simple answer! Which is, don't be anxious about the small troubles that happen to us from time to time, look for God in your difficulties, and journey with confidence toward your home with Him. You see, when one is assured of the Lord's presence and guidance in this life . . . and then an eternal home with Him . . . it really makes little difference what troubles come-because we will be where trouble can't hurt us.

Perhaps, in the light of what I've just shared with you, you're asking "Is it possible to find a place where trouble can't hurt us?" If that's what you are thinking, I encourage you to write to us for a FREE booklet titled "WHERE TROUBLE CAN'T HURT YOU". This booklet talks about "TROUBLES YOU CAN MANAGE" and "TROUBLES THAT HELP US GROW". If you're experiencing difficulties in your life, we believe you will find this booklet helpful. Our address is: P.O. Box 1540, Albany, WA 6331 or Email: abl-alb@omninet.net.au

An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity.
A pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity.

Bible verses thanks to King James Bible