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What Children Can Learn From Adults

Do you ever wonder what children can learn from the world of adults? Do you wonder if they are really paying attention? Do you ever naively hope they aren't? Well, today I want to share with you a true story from Rubel Shelly about an event with a child that was handled well.

The local news was on TV as five-year-old Kirk was playing nearby. Dad didn't think he could hear - or cared to hear - what was being broadcast into their lounge room. His boy suddenly looked up with a troubled and puzzled expression on his face. Rather than reply to an assumption, his father was smart enough to begin with a question. "What did you hear, son?"

"The man on television, Daddy!" he began. "He said that woman was killed in a car accident. Was she a Mummy?"

"Yes, Kirk", that is what the man said. And that makes both of us very sad, doesn't it? And she had two children - a little girl about your age and a baby boy."

Dad was feeling Kirk's pain now. He saw the wheels turning in his trusting little boy's mind. He was rather certain he knew the questions that were forming: "Could that happen to my Mummy? Or to my Daddy? And what would I do then? Who would take care of me?"

Sure enough, with eyes that were sad now and with his little lip trembling, the boy asked his final question. "Daddy, who will take care of her babies?"

The answer Kirk's father gave him was from God. It was brilliant and should be the model more parents use with their children. He held out his arms to him, picked him up, and hugged him for a minute. Only then did he say anything. "Son, your Mummy and I have taught you about Jesus and how He loves you. Your Mummy and I love you and your brother more than anything else in this world. We are here to love you and take care of you and be with you. But there are bad things that happen in this world too. And they remind us how much we need each other. So let's pray for that lady and for her babies. And for the Daddy who will take care of them now that she is gone. Okay?"

They did. And Kirk's little feet hit the floor running. His Dad had given him just what he needed. Oh, he hadn't given him an answer - for who can give a satisfying account of human pain and fear, evil and loss, death and loneliness? He gave him a hug. Told him he was loved and made him feel safe in his tiny world.

Then Kirk's father did something else. He made his personal response to his son's fears and his inability to keep him from ever being touched by them. He did what God himself must do for us. As Kirk left to play, his Dad had a good cry!

Friend, having read this special story from Rubel Shelley which I have shared with you today, I suggest that you ask yourself the following three questions: 1. What feelings do you want your children to take with them when they leave home? 2. What memories? 3. What is the most important gift you could give your child?

Perhaps you find yourself struggling with those questions. However, if you would like some principles to help you answer them, I'd be pleased to send you a copy of "THE PARENT PLAN". These suggestions aren't intended to be comprehensive - just a place to begin. To receive your FREE copy, just write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany W.A. 6331 or Email us at: abl-alb@omninet.net.au