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P.O Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
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E-mail: abl-alb@omninet.net.au

Don't Allow Failure to Defeat You!

I think it would be true to say that nobody stood and walked the first time her weight was put down on wobbly legs at a few months old. Nobody got his ABC's or counting to 10 just right the first time he tried to imitate someone with that series of sounds. Nobody spelled "rendezvous" correctly upon first hearing the word. Everybody fails at something.

If it is true of things that are as basic as walking, counting, or writing, why should we be so surprised that we fail at things when we get older? A first job may not turn out to be a career. A sure-fire investment may not be. Some relationships don't work out. The real question isn't "Will I ever fail at anything?" but "What is the best way to deal with my mistakes and failures?" Nobody wants to make a mess of things. Nobody sets out to fail. But fallibility is another name for humanity.

Thomas Edison was extraordinarily successful. He lit up the world with his incandescent bulb. He invented the phonograph, microphone, and movies. He conceived and created storage batteries. He worked with the inventions of others to make them commercially feasible - things like the typewriter, telegraph, and telephone. He patented a phenomenal 1,093 inventions during his lifetime. Those inventions literally changed the world. But failure was part of his creative process.

Most of us seem to fear failure so much that we avoid taking risks. We are reluctant to learn new things. We hesitate about anything unfamiliar that might make us look foolish or label us as failures. But where does one learn virtues such as perseverance and courage except from facing difficulties and setbacks?

Once, during a frustrating series of experiments, Edison tried to buoy the spirits of a discouraged co-worker. "We haven't failed!" he told the man. "We now know things that won't work, so we are that much closer to finding what will."

Friend, instead of fixating on the possibility of failure, it is better to understand that it is acceptable to try worthwhile things and fail. It is part of the learning process.

Think about the last time something came undone for you. Did you try to conceal it? Find someone to blame for it? Go into some dark place about your inadequacies as a person? Give up on the project or person?

Now think about a different strategy for your next setback. Admit that things didn't work out as you had hoped. Take responsibility for whatever part of the failure belongs to you. Then figure out what you can learn from the process. The point here is not simply to acknowledge but to learn from a reversal. You see, God specializes in turning our weaknesses and failures into His triumphs. So, if what you're presently doing isn't consistent with your talents and abilities, decide now to make plans to change. If you really want success, we'd be happy to send you a FREE copy of "You can have Real Success". Friend, you can have success, real success. That's what this little booklet is about. To receive your copy by return mail, just write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany, WA 6331 or Email: abl-alb@omninet.net.au