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From Fear to Forgiveness

Friend, it shouldn't surprise us that so many people feel a sense of failure and unworthiness. All around us people say things that attack and tear down our self-esteem. We are evaluated and judged daily. And as many of us seek to survive, we fight against the fear that we're just "not good enough" to succeed.

Do you remember the first time you were afraid? What about the general feeling of uneasiness as if the whole world was somehow hostile to you? Do you recall the first person you ever "fell out with" and the sense of alienation you felt? How about the last time you really felt guilty over something you did wrong? If you're like me, thinking about these times is painful.

Would it help if you understood more about where negative emotions like fear, hostility, loneliness and guilt came from? Would it help to know what God has to do with it all? Is He friend or foe? Can these negative emotions be replaced by positive ones like good self-esteem, a sense of being forgiven and belonging, and real peace in your life? Because forgiveness relates to who we are and who we really want to be, I'd like to explore with you today the question: Can I be forgiven?

Dr. Paul Tournier was a much-loved Swiss psychiatrist. After years of trying to encourage discouraged persons, Dr. Tournier wrote his best seller, "Guilt and Grace". He believed guilt could only be cured by love. He also believed that forgiveness was not an idea or a concept, but a person named Jesus who came to this earth from heaven to demonstrate God's love, grace, and forgiveness (1John 4:9).

Friend, God's forgiveness isn't partial. It's complete. And for those who are willing to place their faith in Jesus Christ, the past is over and gone and you can lay aside your fears that you have too many sins or that your sins are too terrible for God to forgive. Indeed, in a relationship with Jesus Christ the forgiven enjoy their freedom from guilt and fear and appreciate the gift of God's grace as we begin to understand that God loves us (1John 4:18).

However, because we often have difficulty understanding the grace of God and accepting His love, I'd like to offer three suggestions that I hope will help you believe in God's forgiveness, rely on His grace, and live in His love.

1. First, try to help someone else experience forgiveness by sharing this message of grace. Sometimes we don't really understand a message well until we share and talk about it with others.
2. Second, study the Word of God, focussing on His love.
3. Third, let other Christians love you. We all need to feel the human hands of God's love.

If you would like to know more about how you can progress from fear to forgiveness, we would love to share with you a booklet titled "CAN I BE FORGIVEN?" To receive your complimentary copy, please let us know by writing to: Discovering A BETTER LIFE, P.O. Box 1540, Albany WA 6331 or Email: abl-alb@omninet.net.au

Bible verses thanks to King James Bible