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Getting a New Vision

Friend today is the first day of the rest of your life! Look ahead and what do you see? If you see nothing but hardening arteries, loss of hearing, loss of vision, inactivity, withdrawal from work and play, loneliness and steady decline toward the grave, you can stop reading this article right now. You see, renewal only comes to those who have the expectant heart. If, as you look ahead, you see a wide variety of things to do, possibilities to realize, or places to go, with a gift of power to meet each new challenge, then you have provided the prime condition for renewal.

Years ago, sculptors in Florence passed by a giant block of granite time after time without vision to see what could be done with it. Then Michelangelo came along. He looked at it as he passed each day trying to get an image of something beautiful within that solid block. At long last his vision came. He went to work with his hammer and chisel and created that handsome statue of David which now stands in the Tribune of the Gallery of the Academia in Florence. David, without the artist, would still be imprisoned in that solid block of stone.

Over the centuries, men and women have looked at the stars oblivious to the interrelationship of all the heavenly bodies until Isaac Newton, an apple having bounced off his scientific head, formulated his laws of motion.

The beauty of the wild flowers in spring may pass unnoticed to the eye which lacks interest and ardour. The various leaves which come down as an avalanche of colour in autumn may be nothing but a troublesome nuisance to the undiscerning eye.

Friend, how important it is to lift up your eyes to tomorrow, next year and the rolling centuries ahead. Become aware of the promises and joys that await you. Face the daily challenges with courage, and all at once you will find your life renewed. One day at a time is an important requirement for living, but one day ahead is not enough. A renewed person has an ardent and expectant eye for all future days.

I know from firsthand experience what a new image of ageing can mean. I have tried living with a stubborn effort to stay young with the old-car theory, and I have tried living with the acceptance and courage of the old-tree theory. Now that I see the rest of my life from the lofty vision of the soaring eagle, I have truly discovered the fountain of age which the good Lord promised through Isaiah the Prophet. Just listen to what Isaiah says in chapter 40, verse 31: "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." What a wonderful reminder this is to each of us that God's strength is our source of strength and that we can always call upon God to renew our strength when we are faced with difficulties and trials.

Friend, boundless resources await the person who has the ardent eye and the expectant heart. In fact, inner security and happiness, at any age, comes from a sense of one's own worth and dignity as a child of God. You may be getting older. But, if you're God's child, this isn't the end-it's just the beginning. If you would like to know more about getting a new vision, just write to Discovering A BETTER LIFE and ask for our booklet titled, "I'm Getting Old". You will receive your copy by return mail. Our address is: P.O. Box 1540, Albany, WA 6331 or Email: abl-alb@omninet.net.au