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P.O Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
Phone: (08) 98 418 418

E-mail: abl-alb@omninet.net.au


Friend, the other day I came across a rather lovely passage about interludes in one's life. It occurred to me from the shreds of my Latin that the word "interlude" means "between the play." This passage was saying to me that if I am wise I will make some interludes between the acts of the play which is my life. I suspect that this needs to be said again and again in the frantic culture you and I share.

Somebody said recently that you and I receive in a week far more mental stimulation, far more images, ideas, encounters, and relationships, than our ancestors in a village of the Middle Ages received in a lifetime. I don't know whether that is literally true but it indicates a vast change in our lives which taxes our capacity to remain a calm and pleasant human being among one's family and friends and colleagues.

The passage I came across is by Eldon Mills. "An interlude is a rest, a change from the extremes of anything. In music it is something played in between the movements of a song or opera. Your life and mine should be
regulated so that, in between its extremes and its varying movements, there might be spiritual interludes - balancing life's tensions; clearing the fog that comes from overdoing. Our eyes are to see with, but if we use them endlessly, without rest, we should go blind. Our minds are made to think and study with but, if they are used endlessly without rest, we will go insane.

Friend, today I want to encourage you to arrange soul refreshing interludes in your complex day.

Wishing you a Bright and
Beautiful Day!

Feel free to contact us, we would love to hear from you, you can Email us atabl-alb@iinet.net.au or write to; Discovering A Better Life, PO Box 1540, Albany, Western Australia, 6331.