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P.O Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
Phone: (08) 98 418 418

E-mail: abl-alb@omninet.net.au

Learning To Deal With Life's Stresses
Friend, examining the shell of a fire-charred building is a depressing experience, especially if arson has been involved.

Buildings often burn because their electrical systems are overloaded and the circuits are unable to withstand the intense heat generated by the current. Likewise, people burn out in much the same way. When their systems can no longer stand the strain of their stress-filled lives, they self-destruct and only the shell of the person is left.

Unfortunately, when worry and tension get beyond our "load limit," we are robbed of the pleasure of accomplishment and the joy we should find when we are with family and friends. However, I believe there are some simple, positive steps that you and I can take to help us deal with stress in our life and I'd like to share some of them with you today.

First, "For what will I spend my time?" My question is not we shall spend a morning, but how will we spend a lifetime. What are you goals for life? Does every assignment, every project, every meeting contribute to your goals?

Second, "Why am I doing what I do?" No doubt, you have heard the lines, "Tis the greatest reason to do the right thing for the wrong reason." The main victim of my treason is myself if I let the fulfilment of a goal or ideal be the means of determining my worth as a person.

Thirdly, "Who is in control of my life?" Many words have been written regarding the existence of God. Yet the battle for most of us is not waged in the science laboratory or the ivory tower of philosophy. It is fought in the centre of the human heart where we refuse to surrender our independence and control.

My friend, God declares that all those who accept His will for their lives are justified on the basis of His forgiving love. It is then, that our life becomes a grateful response to His creative goodness and we begin to experience freedom from the stress of trying to live up to impossible goals.

Stress, (anxiety, worry) is ultimately defeated by practicing the principle of living for God one day at a time. I'd be happy to send you a leaflet that could help you to accomplish this. It's titled, "Living One Day at a Time." To receive your FREE copy, simply write to me at: P.O. Box 1540, Albany WA 6331. If you prefer, you can Telephone me on (08) 98 418 418. Email:abl-alb@omninet.net.au