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P.O Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
Phone: (08) 98 418 418

E-mail: abl-alb@omninet.net.au

Living Takes Courage
Friend, if you were faced with the question of does it take more courage to live, or does it take more courage to die? Which would be more difficult to face? How would you respond? Vittorio Alfier responds, "Often the test of courage becomes rather to live than to die." Well, I have to agree with that because I believe it takes more courage to live and face life's struggles, than it takes to die and escape the struggles.

Many times I have heard persons express their desire to die rather than to live when faced with a difficult challenge. Suicide has become an easy way out for some (during the past three years, over 100 different people who are survivors of a loved one's suicide have written to me seeking help); others attempt to escape through drugs and alcohol. The heroes in this world aren't just those rare souls who respond in an emergency. Heroes are persons who, day after day, like you, face seemingly impossible situations with positive-action attitudes. They hang on!

What is courage? You may think this is a silly question because, after all, doesn't everyone know courage when they see it. NO! Webster defines courage as: "The attitude of facing and dealing with anything recognized as dangerous, difficult, or painful, instead of withdrawing from it; the quality of being fearless or brave." Courage, therefore, faces and deals with life's challenges.

Most people are hoping and searching for a trouble-free world. However, they will never find it! Trouble is what makes us tougher for the longer distances of life. Harry Emerson Fosdick, the American preacher and writer, said: "He who faces no calamity or hardship will need no courage. Mysterious though it is, the characteristics in human nature which we love best grow in soil with a strong mixture of troubles."

Wealth can't buy a trouble-free life. And you can't build a house with walls thick enough to keep frustrations and trials outside. They just happen to come to all of us sooner or later!

Friend, you and I wouldn't recognize joy if there wasn't sorrow. In a sense, life sees to it that we have contrasts of good times and bad times - joy and sorrow - ups and downs. Sooner or later, however, we all come to the "Red Sea" place in life.

    Where in spite of all you can do,
    There is no way out, there is no way back,
    There is no way but - Through?

    Then wait on the Lord with trust serene,
    Till the night of fear is gone;
    He will send the winds; He will keep the floods,
    When He says to your soul, "Go on!"

Annie Johnston Flint

Friend, your "Red Sea" may be a health problem; a financial setback; a problem with your family; a neighbour problem; the loss of a loved one; or some other challenge. Whatever it is, God will take you through it and you will once again "walk on dry land." All you need do is trust God! If you would like to receive a free booklet titled "WHERE TROUBLE CAN'T HURT YOU", I'd be pleased to send you one. Just write to me at P.O. Box 1540, Albany WA 6331 and I will send you a copy by return mail. You can also Telephone your request on: (08) 98 418 418. Email: abl-alb@omninet.net.au

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. Martin Luther King Jr.