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P.O Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
Phone/Fax: (08) 98 418 418


Friend, do you remember playing “King of the Mountain” as a kid? The object of that game is to get high on the heap and stay there. You push, claw, and climb until you get to the top. And once you get there, you fight to hold your position. Don’t even think about sitting down. Forget enjoying the view. Because if you slack off for even a minute, you’ll be pushed down to the bottom of the hill. And then you’ll have to start all over again.

Well, from my observation of life, it’s very apparent that as grown-ups, we still play “King of the Mountain,” but now the stakes are higher.

The push for power has come to shove. And most of us are either pushing or being pushed.

However, I’d like to point out the difference between a passion for excellence and a passion for power. The desire for excellence is a gift of God, much needed in society. It is characterized by respect for quality and a yearning to use God’s gifts in a way that pleases him. I believe that Antonio Stradivari, the seventeenth-century violin maker whose name in its Latin form, Stradivarius, has become synonymous with excellence, highlighted his passion for excellence with the following words:

“When any master holds ‘twixt chin and hand a violin of mine, he will be glad that Stradivari lived, made violins and made them of the best …. If my hand slacked I should rob God-since he is the fullest good …. But he could not make Antonio Stradivari’s violins without Antonio.”

Friend, he was right, God could not make Stradivarius violins without Antonio Stradivari. Certain gifts were given to that craftsman that no other violin maker possessed.

In the same vein, there are certain things you can do that no one else can. Perhaps it is parenting, or constructing houses, or successful farm management, or encouraging the discouraged. There are things that only you can do, and you are alive to do them. In the great orchestra we call life, you have an instrument and a song, and you owe it to God to play them both sublimely.

But there is a canyon of difference between doing your best to glorify God and doing whatever it takes to glorify yourself. You see, the quest for excellence is a mark of maturity. While on the other hand, the quest for power is childish.

Today, my friend, I sincerely hope that these words I’ve shared through this column might have encouraged you to pursue a passion for excellence as you make the very best of every opportunity that comes your way. And especially, I hope you will want to relate meaningfully to every person whose life you touch. If you would like some help in doing this, I encourage you to write to me for a FREE pamphlet titled: “You Can’t Be Human Alone.” To receive your copy by return mail, just write to me at

Email me
or write to me at
P.O Box 1540,
Albany W.A 6331.

Telephone / Fax (08) 98 418 418