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P.O Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
Phone/Fax: (08) 98 418 418


Getting Into the ‘Flow’ of Life
Friend, HAPPINESS is such an elusive state of mind. Everybody wants it. Some people make themselves miserable in pursuit of it. Still others try to be happy while exploiting the people around them. Lots of people complain about the lack of it - and blame work, family, fate or God for their sadness.

I certainly don’t have a simplistic formula to offer you. And I would warn you to keep a safe distance from anyone who does! But I ran across some research a while back that seems to make sense in light of my own experience.

Most people appear to have one or both of the following expectations about happiness: It is directly related to (1) my circumstances and/or (2) finding the right person who can make me happy. Both these beliefs are dangerously false!

First, money, awards, fame, and the typical trappings we link to success don’t always make a positive difference in someone’s life. Sometimes they only raise the level of stress. How do I stay on top? What can I do to outstrip my last triumph? How do I live up to the expectations I’ve created?

One of the happiest people I know of didn’t finish high school, was a double amputee due to severe diabetes, and had a retarded daughter. He took pride in his work. He smiled easily and often. He was more interested in other people than he was worried about himself. In fact, he never begrudged any of the things about his life that worried others for his sake.

Second, nobody should have the too-heavy-burden of trying to make another human being happy. It can’t be done! The term “co-dependency” has been coined for people who are expecting others to fill up their empty buckets. Don’t expect the impossible of anyone in your world. If somebody is looking to you for his or her happiness, resign that miserable task today before it kills you.

One psychologist at a leading University says the happiest people are those who engage in absorbing activities that cause them to forget themselves, lose track of time, and consider many of the things they do both work and play. The term he has coined for this phenomenon is “flow.”

Friend, people who - to use the language of Jesus - “lose their lives” bringing sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from creeping into their own! You see, it is your life’s inner purpose rather than its externals that will provide real peace.

So with these thoughts I have shared with you today, can you name a few examples of “flow” from your own life? -- I hope so!

If you would like to write to me with your comments or questions, I’d be pleased to hear from you.

Email me
or write to me at
P.O Box 1540,
Albany W.A 6331.

Telephone / Fax (08) 98 418 418