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P.O Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
Phone/Fax: (08) 98 418 418


The Effort Is Worth It
Friends, there seems to be no limit to the planning, expense, and risk we’ll take to save someone in jeopardy-unless that person is too close to home.

Perhaps some of you followed the dramatic story of the rescue plane that flew out of the South Pole on April 26 with an ailing doctor on board. Dr. Ronald S. Shemenski, 59, had been diagnosed with gall bladder problems and pancreatitis. The situation was deemed to be life-threatening, so a dangerous attempt to bring him back for specialized medical care was put in motion. Weather conditions made this project even more dangerous than a similar one done in October 1999, when Dr. Jerri Nelson was flown out of the same 50-person research station in Antarctica after she discovered a breast tumour that was diagnosed as cancerous.

However, the rescue effort for Dr. Shemenski was successful! It was accomplished with an eight-seat Twin Otter plane with skis for landing gear. The plane landed on a runway of solid ice that had been lit up by the glow of debris set on fire in 200-litre fuel drums.

Two pilots, an engineer, and a replacement doctor braved snow, darkness, and temperatures that plunged many degrees below zero. The sun had set on their remote destination in March-and would not be visible again until October. Once they arrived at the site, the plane’s crew had to keep heaters blowing on their engines to keep the oil and fuel from freezing.

Friends, when something this spectacular and hazardous is going on, news media focuses on it intensely. People follow the adventure; hope for the best, and pray for the daring souls involved. When it ends well, there is a collective sigh of relief. My hat is certainly off to everyone involved. And I hope that Dr. Shemenski has recovered from his originally diagnosed illness, as well as the heart problem that was found after his return.

As I think about the successful rescue effort I’ve just shared with you, it comes to my mind that it may be easier to become engrossed with stories like this one than to go on rescue missions of our own. For instance, do you know anybody in a nursing home who has no family to visit with them? Do you know a child who needs a mentor? There are lots each!

Friends, perhaps somebody in your work-place is going though a divorce or grieving a loss. He or she could be teetering on the edge of depression or suicide. Perhaps a family in your church is in dire straits because of job loss or illness. They need someone to care about them. The pain could even be that of a family member.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all for heroic rescues in remote places, but some of the greatest needs may be at arms length. Those people are worth it too!

I look forward to sharing more thoughts with you next week. However, if you’d like to write to me with your comments of suggestions, I’d be pleased to hear from you.

Email me
or write to me at
P.O Box 1540,
Albany W.A 6331.

Telephone / Fax (08) 98 418 418