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P.O Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
Phone/Fax: (08) 98 418 418


Be An Encourager
My friends, Romans 12:5-8 lists seven gifts God has distributed to his people. Among them is the gift of encouragement. It surely belongs at the top of the list. It is so needed today. In Acts 4:36, we read where Barnabus was called “Son of Encouragement.” He played his part well. He and Paul were selected by the Holy Spirit to travel to Asia and preach the Good News about Jesus.

Barnabus had a nephew named John Mark. Barnabus encouraged John to go with them on the trip. But difficulty arose. We’re not told what it was. Perhaps the going was just too tough or maybe Mark just got homesick. He finally qui and returned home.

When Paul and Barnabus got ready to go on the next trip, Barnabus wanted to take Mark again, but Paul refused. He wouldn’t take a quitter. So they went their separate ways. Barnabus took Mark, and Paul chose a new partner, Silas. We don’t hear from John Mark again until years later. Paul was in prison, writing to Timothy with instructions about coming to visit him. He said, “Bring Mark with you; he’ll be my right-hand man” (2 Timothy 4:11).

Friends, some people seem to have the knack of showing you where you went wrong. Others have the gift of encouraging you to do better, to try again.

We can thank God for those like Barnabus in this world-those who keep believing in us. They tell us we can do it. They are heavy on compassion and are ready with a helping hand when we fall.

From my observation many of the greatest successes of our day would not be where they are if not for an encourager in their lives. It doesn’t cost money to be an encourager. But it’s so needed. And it pays great dividends.

Perhaps, even as you are reading what I’ve shared with you today, you are experiencing some difficulty in dealing with feelings of inferiority and insignificance. If so, I’d like to remind you that God thinks you are someone special. And if you would like this truth reinforced, I urge you to write to me for your free copy of a small booklet titled “YOU ARE SOMEONE SPECIAL.”

Email me
or write to me at
P.O Box 1540,
Albany W.A 6331.

Telephone / Fax (08) 98 418 418