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P.O Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
Phone/Fax: (08) 98 418 418


An Insight into Faith
Friends, Mattie Stepanek is the author of Journey Through Heartsongs. It is a most impressive anthology of poems by a would-be peacemaker who has touched hundreds of thousands - maybe millions by now - with his writings. He has been on the Good Morning America, Today, and Oprah television shows. He is a literary star still rising.

One of my favourite Stepanek verses is “On Being Thankful.” Like most of his pieces, it is short - a mere twenty-two lines - but profound. Written as a prayer, it beings with his intention to thank God that evening for a beautiful sunrise, a wonderful rainbow, and a sunset that “sparkled orange across the water.” All wonderful images worthy of gratitude, right? He continues…

I was going to thank you tonight
For all of these special gifts,
Except that none of them happened.
But do You know what?
I still love You, God,
And I have lots of other things
That I can thank You for tonight,
Even if You didn’t give those
Very special gifts to me today.
It’s okay, God,
Because I’ll look for them all again,
When my tomorrow comes.

Friends, what a wise and strategic insight about life! Our human tendency appears to have us presenting God an agenda for selfish consumption and personal joy. Then, when those items fail to materialize, we whine and blame. We indict God for His injustice or lack of concern. In some cases, we turn away in angry unbelief.

But God is God, and we are not! Prayer is not a license to demand. Faith clings to Him in the dark times, finding “lots of other things” to give thanks for yet.

By the way, you should know this about Mattie Stepanek. He is twelve and dying of a rare form of muscular dystrophy. However, his struggle seems to have given him insights that some of us who are several times his age could envy - and use.

So, as you think about what I’ve just shared with you, is there anything for which you can bring yourself to be thankful for today? If not, let me encourage you to write for a FREE booklet titled: “TOMORROW CAN BE BETTER.”

Email me
or write to me at
P.O Box 1540,
Albany W.A 6331.

Telephone / Fax (08) 98 418 418