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P.O Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
Phone/Fax: (08) 98 418 418


Great Trip - Until the Landing
Friends, there’s and old tale about a fellow who leaned too far over the railing on a skyscraper. As he plummeted toward the unyielding concrete below, he was by someone at her window on the thirteenth floor saying, “Not too worry! Everything is all right so far!” Well, I have a real-life version of that story for you. And it only goes to prove that truth is stranger than fiction.

In March of this last year, the United Nations had arranged for a conference in Monterrey, Mexico. Practically all of the UN’s 189 member-nations sent delegates. It was to be a significant conference on an important topic - trying to find a way to address situations of extreme poverty in the world.

Monterrey’s huge Cintermex Conference Centre would be the site. Experts on developing financing would make speeches to the delegates. And thousands of business leaders around the world would see and hear the presentations via an elaborate media network. Translation into the major languages of the world would be provided by a firm from Germany. Everything had been arranged.

However, a major glitch occurred because of a mistake by the agency in Germany that booked travel for the translators. Instead of getting them to Monterrey, Mexico, the travel agency send them to Monterrey, California. Naturally, there were red faces all around for the UN and Mexico officials, as well as the travel agents!

I wonder if those translators enjoyed their flight? I wonder if they ate well and managed to get some sleep? I can just imagine them stepping off the plane feeling reasonably refreshed after so long a flight and eager for their task. What a shock it must have been for them to discover that their landing was one country and almost 3,000 kilometres off!

Likewise, some companies and individuals have been known to “cook their books” or misrepresent products. For a time, stock values climbed and bank accounts bulged. Then came the landing! Smooth travel for a time, but a most distasteful landing - in court, in jail, in bankruptcy, in despair.

There have also been dizzying flirtations that turned into torrid affairs - before terribly hard landings. The trip seemed so exciting until the unintended destination was revealed - divorce, alienated children, job loss, and despondency.

In the apocryphal story I commenced this column with today, “Everything’s find so far!” ends with a deadly splat on hard ground. In the real-life version, skills, and competence don’t make up for winding up at the wrong address - in work, in relationships, or in eternity.

Friends, if your destination really matters, pay attention to the route you’re travelling. And I remind you of this because, without knowing it, most people have a plan - not to succeed - but to fail. Therefore, if you would like to avoid some of the pitfalls I have mentioned above, just write to me and ask for a FREE copy of “THE SUCCESS PLAN.”

Email me
or write to me at
P.O Box 1540,
Albany W.A 6331.

Telephone / Fax (08) 98 418 418