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P.O Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
Phone/Fax: (08) 98 418 418


In the Old Testament book of Job chapter 14 verse 19, we read the words: “Water wears away stones.”

That truth gave Spain one of her greatest teachers.

As a boy Isadore of Seville found his lessons hard to learn. Study was drudgery. He hated it. So he ran away from school.

The day was terribly hot, so Isadore sat down to rest beside a small stream that trickled over a rock. He was intrigued as he watched the water fall-drip, drip, drip-one tiny drop at a time. He was amazed to see how those little drops had worn away a large stone.

That occasion was to transform Isadore’s life, because he decided then and there that he had given up on his studies too soon. So he returned to his school desk.

Diligent application overcame his dullness and he became one of the finest scholars of his day.

He never forgot those drops of water-drip, drip, drip-as they fell on that rock and conquered it. “Those drops of water, gave to Spain a brilliant historian.” says his biographer

The water always wins. It’s an amazing thing. Water seems so soft, so yielding. Rocks seem so strong, so impregnable. But the water always wins.

Erosion is one of the most striking phenomena in nature. A small trickling stream cuts through a huge hill, and in time, produces a deep winding valley. Water constantly flowing over granite smoothes the hard stone and wears it away, eating its course through solid cliffs.

Persistence is essential to success. Therefore, when you’re faced with difficulties in your life, don’t give up. Keep on keeping on. And remember, “Water wears away stones.”

I hope this message helps you to find and enjoy a better life. If you would like to write to me, I’d love to hear from you.

Email me
or write to me at
P.O Box 1540,
Albany W.A 6331.

Telephone / Fax (08) 98 418 418