Discovering A Better Life graphic
P.O Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
Phone/Fax: (08) 98 418 418


All The Time You Need
Friend, do you have a problem with time? You say you never have enough time? Well, hang on, because I want to share some ideas with you today that will at least give you a different way to look at time.

Perhaps, more than any of us probably realize, our days are shaped by the clock. The clock tells us when to get up, when to leave for work, when to eat lunch, when to head for home in the evening and, finally, when to go to bed.

The clock also tells us something else. It tells us we are timed. We only have so much time between the time of birth and the time of death. The clock ticks off this interval in seconds, minutes, hours, days, years. The clock records the quantity of time, but it tells us little about the meaning of time. It doesn’t tell me whether I’m doing the things I should be doing to fill my days with meaning. It says nothing of the priorities of my life. And unless I deliberately think about time, I’m apt to awaken near the end of my life very discouraged about the way I’ve spent my time.

So what can I do about this? Here is a critical idea: You and I have all the time we need to do everything we really need to do in our life. I believe that. However, I realize this will be your personal story only if you think about what you are doing with your life. Are you doing the important things?

One way to determine whether you are doing the important things is to ask this question: If you knew you only had another week to live, what would you do with this week? Does your answer have any connection to the way you are living your life today?

If you’re honest, your answer will lead you to consider the most critical things in your life. And you will be encouraged to structure your present life so that it provides for what would be most important to you if you only had one more week to live.

Friend, there is enough time this week to do what is really important. There is time to write that letter, look deeply into the eyes of those you love, deal with a problem in a relationship, or let someone know how much they mean to you. There is also time for joy, time to look at the sky, time to live…time for those things that will help your life love to happen! There is also enough time not to neglect your education for the well-lived life!

So think about it this week: You have all the time you need to do everything you need to do in life. Let this idea soak in, and go down deep. And then…do something about it!

Friend, here’s to a week of having time for what’s important! If you would like some help in achieving this, I’d be happy to send you a FREE copy of “THE SUCCESS PLAN.”

Email me
or write to me at
P.O Box 1540,
Albany W.A 6331.

Telephone / Fax (08) 98 418 418