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P.O Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
Phone/Fax: (08) 98 418 418

E-mail: abl-alb@omninet.net.au

I recently heard about a tribe of Indians in the Amazon whose language only contains numbers for counting up to 15. Anything beyond 15 is simply "many". Of course this is not particularly helpful in a number of scenarios. "How many warriors did you say were attacking?" "Many." "How many children have gone down to the river?" "Many." Ouch!

Friend, language is a powerful tool. We use the symbols of language to build our ideas, organize our thoughts and infuse precision into our communication. In fact, whereas societies create words to express ideas, those very words in turn shape the possibilities for how a society can think about ideas. The positive and negative connotations associated with words can become powerful bricks, building a society's perspective about life. Accordingly, connotations might either contribute toward a biblical understanding of our world or they might be an attempt to deconstruct a godly world view in order to support a humanistic view of life. Consider the following example.

There are many phobias (fears) such as claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces) or arachniphobia (fear of spiders). Most people readily acknowledge that it is desirable to live free of phobias. Phobias carry a negative connotation.

When the homosexual community invented the word homophobia, they demonstrated they understood the power of language to shape a society. After all, who wants to suffer from a phobia? Accordingly, when they slap the label homophobic upon someone, immediately this implicitly involves the subtle claim that their "gay" viewpoint is superior and healthier. Given time, that word, if uncontested, could contribute toward shaping a society's perception of morality.

Since I believe that our ways of thinking should mirror the way God wants us to think about life, I am proposing that the English language needs a new word: "Homoveritasphobia". This word simply means, fear of the truth about homosexual behavior.

Despite the convoluted and sophisticated attempts of the homosexual community to scrub out of the Scriptures any condemnation of homosexual activity, it remains plain for all to see. Equally clear, is that this or any other sinful lifestyle can be forgiven when people respond appropriately to Jesus (1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

Friend, with my proposed word, the playing field has been tipped back in favour of God's perspective. Either a person is homophobic or homoveritasphobic. Which would you rather be: afraid of the truth about homosexuality or just afraid of supporting homosexual activity?

If you would like to have a FREE copy of a small pamphlet titled "What Did Jesus Say About Homosexuality?" I would be pleased to send you one. My address is: P.O. Box 1540, Albany WA 6331. If you prefer, you can Phone or Fax me on: (08) 98 418 418. My E-mail is: abl-alb@omninet.net.au

Have a great day!