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This page is dedicated to links to downloadable crosswords which can be directly used by Spoonbill Software's blind accessible crossword program, BG Crossword Puzzle.

The links below are arranged into categories depending on the style of crossword. If you come across a link which is not on this page, or you find a link which is broken, please e-mail Spoonbill Software at: support@spoonbillsoftware.com.au.

Category Index
General (all types)
British-style cryptic crosswords
American-style crosswords

General (all types)
Brian Dungate produces crosswords of various types including British-style cryptic, British-style quick, and American-style which he will provide free for the asking, if you email him at: games@dungate.com. Each crossword will be in Across Lite binary (dot PUZ) format.

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British-style cryptic crosswords
For those of you who are new to cryptic crosswords, here is an introductory tutorial de-mystifying various type of cryptic clue:

Almost 100 cryptic crosswords: http://www.lafn.org/~keglerron/Block_style/index.html

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American-style crosswords
This is a really good site for beginners. You can go from here to the Tuesday and Wednesday puzzles, which increase in difficulty. I haven't yet figured out how to access the harder ones, which you need to pay for. If I do, I'll let you know. But those Monday puzzles are great for learning the basics. [Contributed by Rachel Warke]:

This is the links page of the Crossword Man site which has many useful links to crossword resources [Contributed by Ross Beresford]: http://www.crosswordman.com/wglinks.html

Another links page which has pointers to the Across Lite (dot PUZ) files for a lot of different outlets [Contributed by Ross Beresford]: http://www.fleetingimage.com/wij/xyzzy/nyt-links.html

More American-style crosswords:
http://puzzles.about.com/od/freeeasynytimescrossword/Free_ Daily_Easy_New_York_Times_Crossword_Puzzles.htm

Access to Across Lite (dot PUZ) versions of the daily crossword from: CrosSynergy, Boston Globe, Philadelphia Enquirer:

Across Lite (dot PUZ) puzzles (American-style): http://www.macnamarasband.com/dlpuz.html

Easy, free American style crosswords suitable for the beginner. Downloadable in Across Lite format [Contributed by Lindy van der Merwe]:
http://puzzles.about.com/od/beginnersxwords/qt/EasyXWords .htm

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