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P.O Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
Phone/Fax: (08) 98 418 418


Add-On Options
A local farmer had come to the conclusion that the local car dealer had made a large profit by all the add-on options that increased the price of cars sold to the hapless farmer. Then one day the car dealer informed the farmer that he was coming around to buy a cow. In the spirit of justice, the farmer attached the following price information to the cow:

Basic cow $500
Two-tone exterior $45
Extra stomach $75
Product storing compartment $60
Straw chopper $120
Four spigots at $10 each, $40
Cowhide upholstery $125
Dual horns $15
Automatic fly swatter $38
Fertilizer attachment $185

TOTAL: $1,233.00

Friend, aren't you glad God doesn't charge us for all the extras He provides us in life? You know what I mean - the beautiful sunrise and sunset, the changing colour of the leaves in autumn, the glory of the stars at night, the beautiful scenery ranging from the majestic mountains to the pounding surf of the ocean. How blessed we are!

No wonder the psalmist in Psalm 136:1-9, as he declares the never-ending story of God's love, reminds us that God deserves our praise because His endless love never fails. Just listen to what he says in the first verse:

"O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His mercy and loving kindness endure forever."

In fact, repeated throughout this psalm is the phrase, "His mercy and loving kindness endure forever." The repetition made this important lesson sink in. That God's love includes aspects of love, kindness, mercy, and faithfulness.

Therefore my friend, as you go through this day, try to be mindful of each and every blessing you enjoy from the hand of God. It is so easy to take everything for granted. But, how richly God has blessed us! Praise and thanksgiving be to our Lord!

Have a great day!