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P.O Box 1540, Albany Western Australia 6331
Phone/Fax: (08) 98 418 418


Friend, according to an old Greek legend, the Sphinx lived by the side of the road. As people passed by, she would ask them this riddle: "What animal is it that begins the morning on all fours; at noon, is on two; and in the evening is on three?" When they couldn't answer, she would kill them.

The answer, according to that old legend, was man. In the morning of life, the little baby is crawling on all fours. As he grows and becomes an adult, in the noontime of his life, he walks on two legs. And then in the evening of his life, with the assistance of a cane, he's hobbling along on three.

Human beings-what a riddle we are. Maybe Neil Young's song, "Old Man," has a key. He sings,

"Old man, look at yourself, I'm a lot like you. I need someone to love me the whole day through."

Friend, the key to having "someone to love you the whole day through"-your whole life through- begins with loving yourself. So just in case you have failed to appreciate the special qualities you possess, let me refresh your memory. You see, there are certain things that are true about you, regardless of how you look. These are simple truths, but they are powerful. Print out the "UNDENIABLES" I've listed below and put them on your refrigerator. Put them by your bed. Go over them every day. Here are five of them.

Undeniable #1: You are unique. Have you ever stopped to think that there will never be another human being on this earth just like you? Never! You are indeed a unique individual, never forget that! Being unique means you are irreplaceable and responsible. No one can ever take your place, and you have a work to do that no one else can ever do.

Undeniable #2: You are the only person you are absolutely sure of spending every night with for the rest of your life. Isn't it about time you got to know the person you sleep with? Does it make sense that you would sleep with a person who is, what shall we say, a mess? That could give you nightmares! You are special. That's who you are. Try spending the night with that person. You'll not only go to bed happier, you'll get up happier. And, if you sleep with another person besides yourself, well, he or she will certainly be happier.

Undeniable #3: You are the most important thing in the world. Nothing has more value than you.

Undeniable #4: You can change. You've already changed. You are not the same person you were ten years ago. All you need to do is add more positive direction to the changes you are making. It's a wonderful thing to be able to change. You don't have to be what you were yesterday. Positive change isn't always easy, and you usually need some encouragement and reinforcement. But you can make good changes.

Undeniable #5: You're worth a lot more than your looks indicate. Need I say more?

Friend, I'm hoping these five "UNDENIABLES" I've shared with you today will help you realize your value as a person. However, if you are still struggling with feelings of inferiority and insignificance, I encourage you to write to me for a FREE booklet titled "THE KEY TO SELF-ESTEEM". My address is: P.O. Box 1540, Albany, WA 6331. Phone/Fax: (08) 98 418418.